Field of Scars

This dark romance follows twenty-eight year old outlaw prince of Basel and the king of Dresden who were childhood friends.

One day Prince Reedric is summoned by the new king of Dresden, igniting a fire which set a new path in motion for both men.

Their love eludes them as unforeseen circumstances forces Reedric, who is riddled with scars inside and out, to face the ultimate abuser of his past while at the same time accepting and cultivating powers he has refused to embrace.

Two lovers, one a prince and the other a king, seek to find each other while overcoming a formidable foe in Richard’s manic father for the crown which his father has stolen.

Will love prevail or will the past shape the future into its own image?

This story will leave you feeling raw emotions. You will be taken on a journey of a love that surpasses time and boundaries.