Zelkova: Before the Legend


Zelkova rushed through the thick shrubs that surrounded her. She knew better than to go this deep into her uncle’s territory. Litore was off limits and had been for quite some times. Every time she asked her father about it, he turned stern. Not wanting to talk about it. Even her brother Pyrus, knew very little. And that is one reason she went into this area.

There had been rumors. A monster shaped like a tree was supposed to be roaming the border. Keeping all outsiders at bay. Some told stories of cages made of twigs, hanging from tree limbs, holding trespassers hostage. She had yet to see one.

Carya warned her not to go. Telling her that it was too dangerous to travel alone. But Zelkova wasn’t one to shy away from danger. She didn’t believe in monsters and wanted to prove to her people there was no such thing.

Moving faster she felt the ground shift underneath her. Before she knew it, Zelkova hit the ground hard. Despite getting the wind knocked out of her, she was soon to her feet. Looking around, she saw nothing but trees which sent a chill through her. Could one of the trees be from the stories? But those were just stories, right?

Hearing a sound coming from behind her, Zelkova turned to see a tall figure. It was was twice her size. Despite this creature taking a human man’s form. It was far from it. Where flesh should be, there was stone in its place. She started backing up slowly. But found herself against a tree.

The morning sun started to peek through, casting light on the features of the figure in front of her. It did closely resemble a human. Their eyes where what gave them away, no shine to them. Only white colored stone with black stone iris.

“Zelkova. What should I do to you? Finding you all alone out here?” His voice was so deep she almost felt it echo through her.

Muscle memory had her hand on her sword before her mind knew it. But once she realized it, Zelkova knew metal against stone would be no good. It would waste a perfectly good sword. At seeing this, all he did was laugh. Which made her grip her sword all the more.

“If you think you can defeat me with that little thing. Then, you’ve learned nothing at all. But, try it. Let’s see how far you can get.” He took a battle stance. His hands in a defensive position. “Shall we?”

Zelkova who at this point in time was only sixteen, unsheathed her blade and lunged towards the stone man. Knowing full well, it was a mistake. But if it was one thing Zelkova had mastered, in her short yet long life, of a whole sixteen years was own your mistakes, no matter how big or small.

To be continued…